The Chronic Fatigue Clinic
Your body is amazing at producing abundant energy when all is able to.
When you feel fatigue for a period of time beyond just a few days it might not be doing that efficiently. If you are fatigued for longer than that for no specific reason you may be experiencing chronic fatigue.
If that is the case then it’s likely that your body’s energy making system is not working as it should and that your body is spiraling into less and less good health. Fatigue to your body is very detrimental in many ways. To your immune system, nervous and hormonal systems, your digestive system, your mental health and your sense of well being in general.
Your body should naturally take in food and convert it to abundant cellular energy using its perfectly honed and incredibly efficient energy making system. If that system is not functioning well then how can you expect to have energy? In my experience it’s not possible to feel good when that system isn’t working well.
Start Your Natural Energy Reboot Program Now
Join the natural energy reboot team, Teach yourself and others how to have abundant energy.
Benefits of learning this easy to follow system.
- Improve digestive function
- Reduce inflammation
- Increase serotonin
- Regulate hormones
- Regulate energy
- Improve sleep
- Improve the look of your skin and eyes

The Natural Energy Reboot Program
Phase 1
This first phase has been simplified for someone just like you, who is too tired to follow complicated programs. Developed over a decade and thousands of face to face clients this system packs a punch and is going to change your body’s ability to make energy for good.
Food needs to be broken down into energy, lets do that right now, or it’s a disaster for your health and your energy production (if you can’t absorb nutrients from food you will have a hard time creating sustainable energy).
We start in the digestive system where we can use simple foods to help other foods release the nutrients trapped in them, this is only the first step in this first phase but it can be so powerful and your body will really love it.
This program starts with nutrient absorption and that is the start of:
- Absorbing nutrients from food more easily
- Reducing inflammatory cells in your blood and tissues.
- Making more serotonin.
- The easier and more sustainable production of energy.
Phase 2
A simple 4 week, food adding phase.
Phase 2 is all about balancing your cortisol, adrenalin and other hormones and No phase is singular and each is crucially built on the back of the previous phase. That’s why I have a 3 week space between each.
The energy making systems in the body can help you to be the healthiest version of yourself.
Phase 3
Phase 3 is where we deliver fuel directly into the power station of the cells, the mitochondria. If we then give our energy making organelles (the cell’s own organs that make energy are the mitochondria) a great source of natural energy then our bodies have no choice but to make natural, balanced energy and a body with energy can repair itself properly, maybe for the first time in a while.
After so many positive sessions with new clients I learned that people liked simplicity and loved when I told them they initially don’t have to do anything but add foods to their diet.
I always loved that they reported at the second or third visit that they lost interest in the wrong foods altogether without even noticing it. “I could never ever give up chips” Became, “Actually I can’t remember the last time I had chips or even wanted them”.
Natural Energy is abundant in the right foods so please trust in the natural systems of your body and how much they can change you once they are supported. Your body knows what to do to be healthy, let’s give it a chance.

Register Now for The Natural Energy Reboot Program!
The energy making systems in the body can help you to be the healthiest version of yourself.