Social Anxiety Cork

At the Natural Clinic, we can work with social anxiety on multiple levels. We’ve detailed them below. If you prefer to choose your own approach, you can do so. And if you would like help and advice, you can email us at

Craniosacral Therapy.

Rebalancing how the nervous system works can have a huge effect on how you feel in any given situation but especially when you prone to overwhelm in social situations. Picture yourself feeling calm in those times because your nervous system has been treated to the experience of running smoothly and not misfiring signals associated with threat.


When you are feeling social anxiety you may be in high alert and want to run for the hills, or at least the taxi, but lets consider that the underlying factors may be present but hidden most of the time, and then just come out when you are under pressure. It can also mean signals are not reaching areas like your kidneys, stomach or lung..etc., which can cause a myriad of health concerns. Acupuncturist Joao Rosa can pinpoint exactly where there is imbalance in your energy systems (we are electric) and help to repair it., he frees the body of impedance allowing it to function optimally, both physically and mentally. You can achieve anything with a supported nervous system. Any questions for Joao?


Nutrition for social anxiety

From a biological point of view, the anxiety response is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived threat. This reaction can become oversensitized, resulting in an inappropriate release of hormones in response to relatively minor threats. To address this, we recommend Nutritional Therapy to reduce the overproduction of cortisol in the system and rebalance the system. More here

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

We recommend using CBT to help with social anxiety. CBT can be highly effective and uses practical tools and strategies to teach you how to identify and change perceptions. Because social anxiety is deeply rooted in how we perceive ourselves, others and social situations, CBT is the most highly recommended evidence-based approach for social anxiety symptoms. CBT in Cork