We get a lot of queries from people all over Cork looking for Colonics and haven’t had luck finding one in the Cork region but we do offer an alternative option.
Although we don’t offer (or recommend) colonics there is a really natural, safe alternative approach.
Nutritional Therapists at the clinic have worked with thousands of people in Cork and know all too well that the digestive tract, including the colon is so crucial to health. It can effect how you feel, your skin, weight and energy and even your hormones and mood.
As a qualified and experienced Nutritional Therapist Kelly Gleeson is all too used to seeing massive transformations in clients with many varying issues when she works with their digestive tract, including the Colon via very specific, health prompting foods and if necessary supplements.
Great things can happen when you work with the natural systems of your body. Your digestive tract might need specific foods and nutrients that can help reduce inflammation, decrease toxicity or increase absorption of vital nutrients in your food all of which can help you feel good and be the catalyst for change you have been looking for.
In working closely with our Nutritional Therapists, Kelly you will learn how to help cleanse and rebalance your entire digestive system, including your colon and have a true and lasting effect on your liver, skin, how you feel, look, your energy, and more.

If that sounds like a good alternative then learn more about Kelly or book an appointment through her page below and get started on a healthier life.

Kelly Gleeson Nutritional Cork

Kelly Gleeson Nutritional Therapist, Cork.