I began working with physical health through my previous qualifications in Physical Education 15 years ago when I  specialised in the area of rehabilitation through exercise to improve the quality of life of people of all ages.
After then completing the sports massage course I started working with athletes on the different pathologies associated with sport to recover their injuries, decompress the tension, relax their muscles to return to their active lives.
I graduated with a Pilates Reformer / Mat Instructor, I managed to open my own company to help people with disabilities to improve their skills, posture, muscle imbalances, older adults to treat cervical problems, spine, osteoarthritis, arthritis, hip and knee prosthesis, osteoporosis, etc, and sedentary people who want to improve their quality of life through exercise.
During the year 2022 I started to get involved in the healing energies of reiki, and I have the pleasure of being a channeler of this wonderful technique when working with my clients and transmitting the innate natural frequency, embodied in the system that serves to facilitate the connection with the potential of the heart, with the inner master helping us to deploy our gifts and virtues to help others, expressing our life mission. During the year 2023 I continued even more with this wonderful therapy of harmonization and healing, becoming an Usui reiki master by which through the hands can transmit this great healing energy to improve the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state of people, helping to improve their quality of life, supporting body with diseases, depression, weakness, fear, indecision, nervousness, disappointment and other issues.

You can contact Juan via: 083116 1381

or email jactherapies@gmail.com

or facebook juanagustincruz

Reiki Therapy, Massage, and Pilates by Juan Agustin Cruz

Juan Agustin Cruz

Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage,

Therapeutic Pilates Instructor,

Reiki & Relaxing massage.

10% off all of Juans Treatments for the month of October.

“The hands (touch) can transmit this great healing energy to improve the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state of people, helping to improve their quality of life”

Relaxing Massage

Massage is defined as a manual physiotherapy technique based on the therapeutic mobilisation of the different myofascial tissues, with the aim of producing an analgesic, sedative and stimulating effect. This technique combines movement and pressure manoeuvres carried out by the hands.

What is a relaxing massage?

Relaxing massage is a type of gentle massage based on the principles of physiotherapy, the mobilisation of muscular and fascial tissues and the regulation of the nervous system. In the relaxing massage, superficial manoeuvres are used in which the intensity of the pressure is gentle, with a slow and repetitive rhythm, so that, on receiving repeated contact, the sensation of pain is lost and the muscles relax.

Objectives of the relaxing massage

The main objective of this massage is the secretion of endorphins that is produced during its application. This hormone, also known as the hormone of happiness, helps to relieve muscular tension, improve circulation and reduce stress and anxiety. All this allows us to generate a relaxed state of mind.

What are the benefits of a relaxing massage?

  • Reduction of stress and the tensions of everyday life.
  • Increased calmness and relaxation.
  • Reduction of pain and inflammation.
  • Reduction of muscle tension.
  • Improved circulation, energy and immune system.
  • Decreased heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Pain relief (helps reduce back pain and headaches).
  • Improves blood and lymphatic circulation.
  • Combats anxiety and depression.
  • Promotes the elimination of toxins.
  • Promotes tissue flexibility.
  • Reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

The benefits of a relaxing massage go far beyond this, offering the body and mind a deep state of wellbeing and relaxation..

Why have a relaxing massage?

Because it relaxes our nervous system and reduces the levels of stress to which we are subjected in our daily lives. By acting positively on our mental health and emotions, it can significantly improve our physical and emotional state of health.
In short, stress, worries and a sedentary lifestyle cause tension and muscle pain. Relaxing massages are the best option to alleviate and prevent these symptoms. If you want to benefit from a relaxing massage, take care of your body!

Deep Tissue Massage, Relieve Pain, Treat Injuries And Chronic Discomfort

What Is Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep tissue massage is a type of manual massage that accesses the deepest layers of the muscle. It is a body treatment focused on improving elasticity, reducing inflammation and muscle pain.

What Is The Aim Of Deep Tissue Massage?

The aim of deep tissue massage is to improve muscle flexibility to facilitate joint mobility. A treatment focused on lowering lactic acid levels in athletes, eliminating adhesions and facilitating and accelerating muscle recovery.

What Is Deep Massage Used For?

It is used to eliminate the inflammation that causes pain and eliminate fluid retention to get rid of the toxin accumulated in the muscle.

Benefits Of Deep Tissue Massage

  • Reduce chronic pain
  • Relieve back pain
  • Cervical and lumbar stiffness
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Tendonitis
  • Contractures and for people suffering from fibromyalgia
  • Accelerate recovery from muscle injury
  • Increase flexibility.
  • Break down scar tissue.
  • Reduce high blood pressure.
  • Relieve symptoms of stress.
  • Help sleep

Will The Deep Massage Hurt?

The session may be somewhat uncomfortable depending on your pathology but never painful. You may feel tired the next day after your session due to the intensity of the session. This tiredness disappears within 24 hours along with the muscular discomfort.

Sports Massage

What Is Sports Massage?

It is a type of massage whose main purpose is to prepare the tissues of your body for a major sporting effort and, incidentally, to recover and/or prevent injuries that you may suffer during training or competition.

Objectives of sports massage

  • Warm up the muscles prior to extreme exercise, oxygenating them and making them more flexible.
  • To adequately prepare the muscles for sporting effort and keep them in optimum condition.
  • Prevent injuries that may occur during competition or training.
  • To favour muscular recovery from sports injuries, and in general to strengthen the athlete’s physique.
  • Contribute to the de-inflammation, regeneration and remodelling of the micro-tears of the tissues that may affect the sporting practice to be carried out.
  • Improve sporting performance.
  • To recover and unload the muscles through lymphatic drainage and venous return massages.
  • Relax the muscles, as well as the athlete just before the competition.

Reiki Healing Therapy For Physical, Emotional And Spiritual Well-being

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a technique whose function is to channel the energy that surrounds us and other people. It is applied by means of different hand positions on the whole body to act on the chakras or as a massage, unblocking any physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issue.

“Reiki is the sun that gently helps to open the petals of the heart chakra. Rely on Reiki to activate all manifest powers and create a beautiful world.”

What are the Chakras?

Our body contains major centres of subtle energy, known as chakras or energy wheels. They begin at the root of the spine and continue upwards to the crown of the head. Each of the seven chakras is related to an aspect of our being that influences the physical, mental and emotional levels. It is therefore important that they are in perfect balance.

When the chakras are balanced we enjoy a sense of general wellbeing and we feel more in harmony and in tune with everything around us. On the other hand, if one or more chakras are blocked, the other chakras can also start to malfunction and we can lose our inner balance. That is why to maintain a healthy life it is important to take care of our chakras and keep them in balance.

These blockages are the cause of negativity, fear, depression, anger, 0anxiety, shame, despair, guilt and irresponsible relationships that cause our lives to revolve around these issues which can imprison us and make us addicted to negativity and a life of superficial values.

If these centres remain blocked, we remain in darkness, making it
impossible for our light to shine.

Thanks to reiki therapy we are able to unblock and align the chakras, harmonising the energy throughout the body without obstacles, finding a body-mind balance and achieving a state of total wellbeing.

How is it done?

A traditional reiki session takes place in a quiet environment with soft music, lying on a massage table, fully clothed. The reikist helps to guide the flow of energy by laying hands close to the body on the important energetic areas, creating a deep sense of wellbeing. The entire session lasts 60 minutes.

Relaxing Massage Harmonisation With Reiki

I invite you to experience, the perfect combination of relaxation with reiki therapy and relaxing massage. Let yourself be carried away by the feeling of well being while the precise and gentle movements eliminate stress and balance your vital energy. Feel the tension disappear from your body and mind allowing harmony and peace to flow through you. Discover the perfect balance for your body and soul with this energy and body harmonising therapy.

Therapeutic Pilates

What is Pilates?

It is a system of physical and mental training created at the beginning of the 20th century by Joseph Hubertus Pilates, who devised it based on his knowledge of different specialities such as gymnastics, traumatology and yoga; combining dynamism and muscular strength with mental control, breathing and relaxation.

The method focuses on the development of the internal muscles to maintain body balance and give stability and firmness to the spine, which is why it is widely used as a therapy in rehabilitation1 and to prevent and cure back pain. The Pilates method consists of exercises that are performed on the floor on a mat, apparatus, standing, sitting, with and without elements, aimed at correcting different problems and imbalances that occur at the muscular and articular level such as:

  • Cervicalgias
  • Lumbago
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Sports injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Arthrosis
  • Rotator cuff pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Disc herniation
  • Impingement
  • Scoliosis
  • Kyphosis
  • Hyperlordsis
  • Sciatica
  • Cruciate Ligament Rehabilitation
  • Hip replacement
  • Knee prosthesis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Tendonitis
  • Tears

10% off all of Juans Treatments for the month of October.

Relaxing Massage
50 min  € 70

Sports Massage
50 min € 70

Deep Tissue Massage
50 min € 70

Relaxing massage of
harmonization with reiki 50
min € 70

Therapeutic Pilates
60 min € 75

Relaxing Massage o Deep
Tissue + 30 min + Therapeutic Pilates
30 min € 75

reiki healing therapy
60 min € 75

4 sessions of any therapy

