Learn how to become the best you with Caroline Crotty.
Therapy provides a fresh outlook and new perspective. It is an opportunity for you to change unhealthy or negative thinking patterns; it helps you achieve goals; improves sleep; reduces stress or fears; become more confident and get your head around difficulties and issues. Therapy helps you enjoy life.
View Caroline’s available appointments by scrolling down.
You can also Call Caroline Crotty on 0877107032
Email hello@carolinecrotty.ie
Caroline’s website: www.carolinecrotty.ie
I have worked for years with people in crisis due to family breakdown. That work provided a wonderful basis for my current therapeutic work with both adolescents and adults.
In my experience, therapy provides an excellent opportunity for improving awareness and understanding of yourself and others. Therapy is wholly positive as it is about regaining control and making positive changes in habits of thinking or behaviour. It is not always easy and sometimes you might enjoy your session more than others but therapy is a process with a beginning, middle and end – and all the time working towards you achieving your goals and reaching your full potential.
I work on an individual basis with children and adults from the age of 12 upwards. I am a firm believer in the soft skills of listening, kindness, gentleness and praise. Much of the work I do with both adults and adolescents relates to nurturing positivity and contentment and of course, self-belief.
We spend so much time pointing out (to ourselves) what we do incorrectly or badly that we must relearn how to spot the good and positive within.
I am delighted to derive such enjoyment from my therapeutic work. I am also fortunate that I am an eternal optimist – a very useful tool when finding alternate perspectives and provide ‘devil’s advocate’ viewpoints to difficult issues.
Learning how to parent is a task that does not come naturally and because babies do not arrive with a user manual it can be helpful to chat with someone neutral and objective.
Often, teenagers attend therapy because they want someone to listen and to hear what they have to say. They may need some help to learn how to explain themselves clearly and effectively (either at home or in school) without resorting to anger or violence ie. learn more effective ways of communicating. Some teens wish to become more confident in social situations or to deal with worry or anxieties.
In therapy, teenagers may receive help for issues such as eating disorders, self-harm, low mood, anxiety, disrupted sleep, exam worry, little confidence or self-esteem, bullying, peer pressure, depression, sexual orientation – this list is not exhaustive because no two people have the same experiences or family life.
Therapy is useful at times of crisis or to help nurture an individual to full recovery following trauma. Adults attend therapy for a variety of reasons from abortion, addiction, accident, adultery, the list is endless because no two people will react in the same way to the same event.
Therapy is about you, the person sitting with me. It is completely individual which is why I adapt my approach to best suit each person and also use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy tools when appropriate. Therapy is not simply meeting with me for an hour once per week for a chat – it is important to reflect on the changes you require in between sessions or perhaps complete worksheets or read suggested articles. Therapy is all the time moving towards recovery and achieving your potential.
Therapy is a time for you to feel heard, acknowledged and respected and for you to know you are taking control over your life. Therapy is your opportunity to become the best person you can be.
Some people come to therapy because their workload is tough or they are working with difficult clients or traumatic cases and wish to offload to someone, knowing that what what they say to me is strictly confidential and I am not going to judge what is said. It can be easier to tell a stranger than you are struggling than to tell a loved one or boss.
Talks and Workshops
I devise and deliver workshops on a variety of wellbeing subjects to corporate, education and community sector groups. Workshops duration starts at either 1 or 2 hours and can be tailored to suit the organisation and management requirements.
Workshop topics include:
- Communication (including the art of listening)
- Stress / Anxiety – What it is and How to Manage It
- Nurturing Harmony – in professional and home life
- Building self-confidence
- How to be assertive
- Dealing with Bullying
- Pathways to Wellness
- Controlling What We Can Control
- Leading Change
- How to Motivate Others
- Wellbeing and Self-Care
I also undertake parenting talks with John Lonergan former Governor of Mountjoy which we deliver throughout Ireland. John’s comedic style and my more low-key delivery style lend themselves well to a very entertaining evening but with key messages for parents of both primary and secondary school children. We also deliver a wonderful ‘How to be Happy and Content’ talk which is beneficial and informative for every audience both corporate and public.
Contact Information
Website: www.carolinecrotty.ie
Phone: 0877 107 032
Book an in-person or online session below.
Appointment planning – one appointment will typically not suffice and therefore, booking a series of appointments is advisable. If you have difficulty booking appointments please contact Caroline directly via email or sms