Therapy Rooms Cork. Testimonials.


“I joined the Natural Clinic in September 2023 and it has been really great for my business, allowing me to quickly establish a psychotherapy practice after moving back to Cork from abroad. The space is lovely, there is a great atmosphere and it is very conveniently located. I really enjoy coming to work here and can’t recommend it highly enough for anyone looking to establish a therapy practice in a clinic with a holistic ethos and friendly co-workers.”

Róisín Tangney, Jungian Analyst and Psychotherapist

MA, MPhil, Heilpraktikerin for Psychotherapy, Dipl. Psychoanalyst (CGJI-Zürich)

“Working in The Natural Clinic has been a huge advantage for me personally and professionally. As a small business owner it can feel like you’re on your own but with the Clinic, there is a real team atmosphere. My clients really appreciate the calm and relaxing surroundings of the Clinic. The location is easy to get to and there is plenty of parking. My clients and I also like that there are a wide range of complementary treatments in the Clinic. So if my clients could benefit from massage or acupuncture or CBT etc that can help them, I can refer them to someone I trust”.

Claire O’Brien – Nutritional Therapist.

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