Anxiety and Nutritional Therapy


Before someone comes to see me as one of the  Nutritional Therapist at The Natural Clinic they fill out a questionnaire on their computers or by hand.  One of the questions asks them to rate their health concerns from 1-10, 10 being chronic. Unfortunately I have seen anxiety on the first line and at 8, 9 or 10 for too often lately. It can be mild for some people but for some it can be very serious anxiety that has a negative effect on their lives.

Luckily I have seen some major improvement in the general health of my clients and in many cases a significant decrease in the number. A client recently said it was as low as 0-2 depending on the diet that day.

Yes, your diet and your anxiety can be connected and your diet can affect the level of anxiety you feel day to day.

The benefits of eating healthy are great but to be specific to anxiety your diet needs to have a mix of specific foods and a particular type of eating that has a biological effect on your body to allow balance to return to your nervous system including your brain.

Anxiety can be all encompassing so I when you have worked on the diet for a while I may suggest other therapies like Cranial work or Kinesiology or Meditation as these have worked to enhance the process of engaging the parasympathetic nervous system, the calming part of you. This approach was introduced because it is more effective than diet alone at helping the body to reduce it’s anxiety cascade.

Lose the fear and life is amazing, you can be freer from more than the average levels of anxiety at The Natural Clinic so don’t be afraid to take the first steps, you’re in good hands.

We thank you and hope to see you soon. Leonard Murphy Nutritional Therapist and the team at.



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