Exhausted? Wrecked? foggy?


Does what you eat affect your energy? Of course it does!

We all know thes but still eat foods that are not good for energy or eat foods/drinks that are great for immediate energy only to be even more tired later on.

There is so much misinformation around about how to make real energy, my speciality. So much so that in 2012 I developed a specific system for people with fatigue issues called The Real Energy Program.

Since then it has developed into a very simple system that I use every day in my clinic and with the help of the other therapists here we see huge improvements in how our patients body’s make energy, real energy.

The amazing truth about a body with real energy is that it can become healthier easier because it has the energy it needs to heal the systems of the body.

The clients report a major decrease in fatigue, better balance of energy, less low moods and less anxiety with better memory. That is worth a lot to someone who has lived with fatigue for years or sometimes decades and almost all the patients say it was not as hard to do as they thought it would be, but then it was designed for people with fatigue issues so it had to be none too taxing. They generally feel good to great again or for the first time for as long as they can remember.

The Natural Clinic has many health therapies to choose from for those who need more help.

Besides 3 Nutrition experts, qualified in nutritional therapy we have Cranial Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Kinesiology, Psychotherapy, Counselling-support therapists, facial reflexology and food reflexology, physical therapy, a life coach and Deep tissue and ayurvedic massage.

Thanks and take care, Leonard Murphy. N.T.

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