Weight loss can be natural and feel good.
The last year has been amazing to say the least but also a huge learning curb. We learned so much from you, so thank you so much.
One of the most interesting things we learned is that there is a lot of wrong advice out there,from friends, family and the internet about weight loss and we see people try some outlandish methods to shift those pounds. Sometimes to the detriment of their health.
So we are giving in, we have decided to offer a real, healthy, effective and long term weight loss solution to people who want to look good but also feel good without the hunger and with the energy.
Carol Daly has an amazing history in the field of detoxification and weight loss and she has designed a specific weight loss program that is taking Cork by storm. It works because you feel good and lose weight without the hunger and with the energy to enjoy looking good and the potential to keep the weight off for good.
This is a very specific system with support from Carol throughout. A visit to the The Natural Clinic for a consultation with Carol Daly is the first step and can be booked here thenaturalclinic.ie/nutrition-therapy.
You may like some of the other therapies here too like;
Nutritional Therapy with Leonard Murphy,
Kinesiology with Tony Galvin or Kate Kalin,
Facial Reflexology with Catherine Clooney,
Acupuncture with Hayley Power,
Psychotherapist Caroline Crotty & Clinical Psychologist (working with Italian Clients only) Valentina Coniglio,
Any of our various types of therapeutic Massage Therapists like Siobhan Grant and Michelle Gupta, (see website thenaturalclinic.ie)
Our Hypnotherapist for emotional support Michelle Hardwick,
and to help find your true calling, our Life Coach Brendan Mills,
More due soon too so keep an eye on our facebook page, facebook or twitter
Take the weight off and and get in touch.