Anxiety Treatment, Cork

Our practitioners have seen amazing results with anxiety in many people. Anxiety can be mild or debilitating and all cases have underlying causes so please consider which therapy is best for you or speak to any of the team via their individual pages.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

We recommend using CBT to help with anxiety. CBT can be highly effective for anxiety as it uses practical tools and strategies to teach you how to identify and change perceptions. Because anxiety is almost always deeply rooted in how we perceive ourselves, others and certain situations, CBT is the most highly recommended evidence-based approach for tackling it at its root. Our team of psychotherapists use CBTT as a tool when they see it is needed, they may also use other tools. Find the right therapists for you at the clinic website and talk to them in session about whether CBT is a useful tool for you. CBT Cork


From a biological point of view, the anxiety response can a physical reaction that occurs in response to a perceived threat. This reaction can become over sensitized, resulting in an inappropriate release of anxiety increasing hormones in response to relatively minor threats. To address this, we recommend Nutritional Therapy to reduce the overproduction of cortisol and other anxiety increasing hormones to help rebalance the system that is sending the wrong signals, keeping you on high alert. Book an appointment here.

Craniosacral Therapy 

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on treatment that enhances relaxation, the functioning, balancing and well being of your nervous system. Physical and emotional trauma, whether resulting from an accident, fall, injury, or any other circumstance, can be addressed and will benefit from this technique. It is effective for all ages and doesn’t interfere with other therapies or medications already in place. Learn more or Book here


A nervous system in a state of imbalance is going to present in many ways, one is often anxiety. Acupuncture can reset the nervous system via gentle stimulation of specific neural pathways and body systems. This balances the nervous system allowing it to react less an less to stressful situations. Please speak to our acupuncture team to learn more about how this can work for you. Learn more or book here.

At the Natural Clinic, we can work with you on many levels. We’ve detailed them below. If you prefer to choose your own approach, you can do so. And if you would like help and advice, you can email us at