By working with your body and mind, you can remove any factors that can slow down your body’s natural healing process. The best course of action depends on the person. Whether it means adding or eliminating certain foods, learning how to de-stress, or re-learning how to move and operate in your life to reduce any tension and strain. Here is how we can help….


Paulo Farinha looks at the whole body when assessing your injury, pain and your recovery. He supports the body’s ability to repair itself via gentle and effective manipulation of the musculoskeletal system including the facia. His indept knowledge of the body means he is able to assess how to best approach injury and when the right time to treat is, he can use physical manipulation techniques to gently help the body to realign to it’s natural state. Please see more about Paulo here.


When you are feeling social anxiety you may be in high alert and want to run for the hills, or at least the taxi, but lets consider that the underlying factors may be present but hidden most of the time, and then just come out when you are under pressure. It can also mean signals are not reaching areas like your kidneys, stomach or lung..etc., which can cause a myriad of health concerns. Acupuncturist Joao Rosa can pinpoint exactly where there is imbalance in your energy systems (we are electric) and help to repair it., he frees the body of impedance allowing it to function optimally, both physically and mentally. You can achieve anything with a supported nervous system. Any questions for Joao?

Craniosacral Therapy 

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on treatment that enhances relaxation, the functioning, balancing and well being of your nervous system. Physical and emotional trauma, whether resulting from an accident, fall, injury, or any other circumstance, can be addressed and will benefit from this technique. It is effective for all ages and doesn’t interfere with other therapies or medications already in place. Learn more or Book here

Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy can help decrease inflammation, rebuild the body’s strength and help regulate and reduce the stress responses, which can hinder recovery from injury. Our Nutritional Therapists work with inflammation with all their clients as it is prevalent in today’s society and part of our reaction to the modern diet, they focus on it more with injury clients to great effect. Please visit our homepage to see our 3 nutritional therapists/naturopaths.