Carol Daly works closely with her clients to make effective changes to their Digestive, immune/inflammatory and hormonal systems, including Chrones, Ulcerative colitis, IBS, Mood imbalance, Hormonal issues and other mild or serious conditions that need nutritional support.
Carol’s fascination with all things Nutritional led her to continue her studies with the Institute of Functional Medicine after her studies at The College of Naturopathic Medicine. So she got to learn even more about the science of Nutrition.
“It’s not a matter of just eating well, the body needs more at times and I see the greatest change when a client works with very specific foods and nutrients that are integrated into a healthy diet”.
Book With Carol

Jorien Verstraten uses food therapeutically to help rebalance the body’s energy-making, immune/inflammatory and hormonal systems. ”
“It’s amazing what happens when you give the body the ability to make abundant energy, balanced hormones and a balanced immune reaction, it literally moves into a healing mode”.
Health conditions that Jorien works with mostly are general fatigue/chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalance, skin conditions and weight loss. She has also experience with being a chef so knows a lot about making food healthy. tasty and easy.
Jorien also studied at The College of Naturopathic Medicine and is constantly updating her knowledge.
Book with Jorien

Nutrition as a therapy is fast growing in its popularity as a tool for working with the body’s natural systems of healing.
A body can alter its immune reaction, hormonal balance, nervous system and cellular energy output through the foods and dietary programs we introduce to your life. We have been doing this for long enough to know how to make it simple but effective.
We can make a real, lasting difference to how effectively your body works to get you well again, decrease inflammation, increase serotonin, increase absorption of vitamins and minerals in food (avoiding deficiencies) and how you feel both physically, and as suggested by research published in Psychology today, how you feel emotionally.
We are changing lives by affecting change in the body on a cellular level when we use targeted nutritional intervention to give the body a foundation of health with specifically chosen foods. A body can alter its immune reaction, hormonal balance, nervous system and cellular energy output through the foods and dietary programs work with.
This is not another diet, this is the supporting foundation of your health.