Help your body yourself.
It’s only been 5 months since we introduced our osteopath and physiotherapist Jesús Arribas to you.
Since then, everyone at The Natural Clinic has been wowed by his ability to really make a difference to peoples health. Working as he does with any muscle issues and/or spinal, bone or connective tissue and interestingly fascia issues has really made a huge difference to his clients.
Recently a client who had suffered for 6 years with shoulder pain was amazed that just 1 session with Jesús made such a change when she had been going to other therapists twice a week for the entire 6 years. Jesús explained what and where the issue actually was (not in the shoulder really) and worked on that area, it takes real talent to spot that, to get to the non-obvious referred pain area. The client was thrilled to leave pain free. Lifting her arm over her head for the first time in years, repeatedly, in disbelief.
Jesus explained to her that he had worked with the fascia in the area just below her liver and that releasing there has made the difference to her. She need not come back for 2 weeks and then might only need 1 or 2 visits after that. Isn’t that a whole lot better than twice a week.
As someone who tried all the other types of pain relief therapy before, I appreciated the time I found an Osteopath years ago. I finally got the real attention and body work that I needed then. The difference was unreal and adding Jesús experience as a physiotherapist also means that you are often shown stretching techniques specific to you and your physical issue when the time is right. So you can continue to improve by yourself. Jesús really helps you to help your body yourself.
When knowledge, passion for work and the intent to help people come together you can expect to see some amazing results.
Read more about his practice at The Natural Clinic below.