A welcome and heartfelt testimonial .
We get tons of great feedback here at The Natural Clinic, but now and then someone goes out of their way to post or tweet about the Clinic or one of our team members. Tony is making waves for sure and helping many overcome anxiety, trauma, emotional issues. ADHD and other childhood learning difficulties and much more.
It is very difficult to find the words to accurately convey how my appointments withTony Galvin have changed my life.
Words like profound,life changing and life affirming come to mind but even those words are inadequate. All I can say is make an appointment with Tony. I can guarantee you that it will be one of the most important decisions you will ever make.
We have all heard the phrase “life begins after 40”. I can add a new one- “life begins after experiencing kinesiology and working with Tony Galvin “
Thank you Tony. https://thenaturalclinic.ie/kinesiology/Tony