Migraines and Headache Treatments, Cork

Do you suffer from migraines or headaches? Why suffer on? Migraines can be aggravated or caused by various factors. We offer a variety of approaches to tackle the issue, including nutrition, kinesiology, reflexology and more… We encourage you to weigh up the various options and decide for yourself which make the most sense for you to pursue.

Craniosacral Therapy 

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on treatment that enhances relaxation, the functioning, balancing and well being of your nervous system. Physical and emotional trauma, whether resulting from an accident, fall, injury, or any other circumstance, can be addressed and will benefit from this technique. It is effective for all ages and doesn’t interfere with other therapies or medications already in place. Learn more or Book here

Bodywork and Manipulative therapy

There could be several muscular causes to a migraine or a headache. Bodywork is closely related to Osteopathy and works at a minute level to find the the root cause. Learn more or book here.

Nutritional Therapy

Diet can have a profound impact on health. We recommend nutritional therapy for headaches and migraines because often the cause of a migraine or headaches can be an inflammatory reaction to certain foods. In reducing inflammation with other specific foods we effect a potential cause at the source of the issue.  Read more here


Physiotherapy can help you to release any excess muscle tension around the back, shoulders and neck, which can cause and exacerbate migraines and headaches. Read more here


Kinesiology offers many benefits and many of our clients find it specifically helpful for headaches when a past issue is causing current tension. Read more here


Acupuncture is an alternative medicine that uses needles to release trapped energy. It has been scientifically proven to be helpful for neck pain. Read more here